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AEM OAK Offline Compaction on Remote Windows Server


This is just a custom guide to run compaction on AEM Author/Publish service  on remote windows server, this could be more technical and advanced guide, if you do not understand or don’t know what you are doing, I kindly request you to take extreme caution. The components used here are billable. SKYDEVOPS/I/WE do not take any responsibility if the guide causes any serious damage or issues, which you have to take full responsibility.

Tools Needed:

  1. Download Oak-run JAR form here

Step-01: Create a Free style Job on Jenkins

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Step-02: Setup a parameterised build job, create a string parameter for remote Host

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Step-03: Setup a string parameter for remote User

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Step-04: Setup a String parameter for Remote User Password

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Step-05: Create a Powershell script to run oak offline compaction on  AEM

# stopping the job if it encounters error 
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$WarningPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

# Credentials are stored in env and dynamic variables
$SecurePassword = $env:Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $env:User, $SecurePassword

# Invoke a command on the remote machine.
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $env:Computer -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {

    $ServiceName = 'AEM6A'
    $arrService = Get-Service -Name $ServiceName
    $compactionPATH = 'C:UsersSKYDEVOPSDesktopAEMcompaction'
    $compactionARGS = ' -Doak.compaction.eagerFlush=true -Dcompaction-progress-log=5000000 -Dupdate.limit=2500000 -Dcompress-interval=150000000'
    $compArgsLogBoook = "${compactionARGS} -Dlogback.configurationFile=${compactionPATH}logback-compaction.xml"
    $segmentstorePATH = 'C:UsersSKYDEVOPSDesktopAEMauthorcrx-quickstartrepositorysegmentstore'
    $TIMESTAMP=$(get-date -f yyyy_MM_dd_hhmmss)
    function Get-Size
        "{0:n2}" -f ((gci -path $pth -recurse | measure-object -property length -sum).sum /1mb) + " MB"

    if ($arrService.status -eq 'Running') {
        write-host $ServiceName is currently $arrService.status
        write-host "Stopping $ServiceName"
        Stop-Service $ServiceName -warningaction SilentlyContinue  
        Start-Sleep -seconds 30
        if ($arrService.status -eq 'STOPPED') {
            write-host $ServiceName is STOPPED
            $sizeBefore = Get-Size $segmentstorePATH
            write-host "Size of the segmentstore before Compation: $sizeBefore"
            write-host "Backing up segmentstore"
            compress-archive -Path  $segmentstorePATH -CompressionLevel optimal  -DestinationPath  "${BACKUP_PATH}segmentstore_archive_$"
            write-host "Backup Complete"
            write-host "Starting Compaction"
            java -server -Xmx3g ${compArgsLogBoook} -jar ${compactionPATH}oak-run-1.6.1.jar compact ${segmentstorePATH} >> "${BACKUP_PATH}oak-tar-compact-$TIMESTAMP.log"
            write-host Compation Completed
            $sizeAfter = Get-Size $segmentstorePATH
            write-host "Size of the segmentstore after Compation: $sizeAfter"
            write-host Starting $ServiceName
            Start-Service $ServiceName
            if ($arrService.status -eq 'Running') {
                write-host $ServiceName Started
    elseif ($arrService.status -eq 'STOPPED') {
        write-host $ServiceName is STOPPED
            $sizeBefore = Get-Size $segmentstorePATH
            write-host "Size of the segmentstore before Compation: $sizeBefore"
            write-host "Backing up segmentstore"
            compress-archive -Path  $segmentstorePATH -CompressionLevel optimal  -DestinationPath  "${BACKUP_PATH}segmentstore_archive_$"
            write-host "Backup Complete"
            write-host "Starting Compaction"
            java -server -Xmx3g ${compArgsLogBoook} -jar ${compactionPATH}oak-run-1.6.1.jar compact ${segmentstorePATH} >> "${BACKUP_PATH}oak-tar-compact-$TIMESTAMP.log"
            write-host Compation Completed
            $sizeAfter = Get-Size $segmentstorePATH
            write-host "Size of the segmentstore after Compation: $sizeAfter"
            write-host Starting $ServiceName
            Start-Service $ServiceName
            if ($arrService.status -eq 'Running') {
                write-host $ServiceName Started

Step-06: logbook-compaction.xml

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Shashi View All

A passionate devops and automation engineer

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