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Anaconda Installation – CentOS Cloud VM


This is just a custom guide to a INSTANCE on Google Cloud Platform, this could be more technical and advanced guide, if you do not understand or don’t know what you are doing, I kindly request you to take extreme caution. The components used here are billable. SKYDEVOPS/I/WE do not take any responsibility if the guide causes any serious damage or issues, which you have to take full responsibility.

Assuming that you have access to any cloud provider or any cloud instance like AWS, GCP, Rackspace, DigitalOcean, Linode etc. The instance used has the following specification.  This is the Guide to install and configure Anaconda Distribution for Data Science Projects. This guide is a part of Devops for Data Science

-==System Requirements==-

  • CPU: 64-bit 2.8 GHz
  • RAM: 4 GB (min)
  • Storage: 30 GB.
  • License: Free use & redistribution under the terms of Anaconda End User License.
  • OS: Windows 7,8,10, macOS 10.10+, or, Ubuntu, RedHat, CentOS 6+, and others.
  • System architecture: 64-bit x86, 32-bit x86 with Windows or Linux


  • Part-01: Creating a Instance on the Google Cloud Platform
  • Part-02: Installing and configuring Anaconda Distribution – Traditional
  • Part-03: Updating and Upgrading Anaconda Distribution
  • Part-04: Installing and configuring Anaconda in Docker Container
  • Part-05: Minimising the size of the Anaconda Docker Image
  • Part-06: Pushing the image to Docker Hub
  • Part-07: Automating the entire process using GitHub, Docker Hub

-== Part-01: Creating a Instance on the Google Cloud Platform ==-

Step-01: Name the Instance and select the Region and Zone

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Step-02: Select the Machine Type

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Step-03: Select the Boot Disk and Storage Options

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Step-04: Select OS

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Step-05: Verify the Instance

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Step-06: Add the DNS configuration

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Step-07: Login to the Server

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Step-08: Install pre-requisites and update cache

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Step-09: Verify the OS release

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Step-10: Done – Setting up the instance is completed


 -== Part-02: Installing & configuring Anaconda – Traditional ==- 

Step-01: Download the Anaconda Python distribution

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Step-02: Python 2.7.x will be used in this guide

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Step-03: Create the directory structure for installation

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Step-04: Install Anaconda Distribution

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Step-05: Accept the License

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Step-06: Select the Installation Path

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Step-07: Add to the PATH variable

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Step-08: Do not install VS Code

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Step-09: Verify Anaconda installation

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 -== Part-03: Updating and Upgrading Anaconda Distribution ==-

Step-01: Updating Conda

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Step-02: Update Anaconda

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Step-03: Update All Packages

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Step-04: Testing Jupyter Notebooks

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-== Part-04: Installing and configuring Anaconda in Docker Container ==-

Step-01: Installing Docker pre-requisites

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Step-02: Add the Docker CE Repo

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Step-03: Install Docker Community Edition

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Step-04: Starting and Enabling Docker

$ sudo systemctl start docker
$ sudo systemctl enable docker

Step-05: Verifying docker installation

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Step-06: Dockerfile

# Pre-Built Skydevops CentOS image
FROM skydevops/skydevops-centos7-ansible
LABEL maintainer="[email protected]"

# Updating Centos packages and installing Anaconda
RUN yum update && yes|yum upgrade && 
yum install -y wget bzip2 && 
wget && 
bash -b && 

# Set path to conda
ENV PATH /root/anaconda2/bin:$PATH

# Configuring access to Jupyter
RUN mkdir /opt/notebooks 
jupyter notebook --generate-config --allow-root 
echo "c.NotebookApp.password = u'sha1:277aa1c52ca6:3a6f71c6f36fc191f238c07e5ca08878837e14f3'" >> /root/.jupyter/

# Jupyter listens port: 8888
# Run Jupyter notebook as Docker main process
CMD ["jupyter", "notebook", "--allow-root", "--notebook-dir=/opt/notebooks", "--ip='*'", "--port=8888", "--no-browser"]

Step-07: Create an image using the Dockerfile

$ docker build -t ds-skydevops .

Step-08: Building Image

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Step-09: Installing Anaconda

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Step-10: Creating Firewall Rule on GCP

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Step-11: Firewall Details

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Step-12: Assigning it to instance

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Shashi View All

A passionate devops and automation engineer

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